%define reponame %(b=%{name}; echo ${b%%-repo}) Name: dropbox-repo Version: 0 Release: 3%{?dist} Summary: 3rd-party repo package for Dropbox client License: Public Domain URL: http://github.com/leamas/system-config-repo Source0: dropbox.repo Source1: dropbox-repo.appdata.xml Source2: dropbox-repo.desktop Source3: icon.png Source4: README Source5: branding-permission.txt BuildArch: noarch Provides: repo-gui = 1.0 BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils BuildRequires: appdata-tools Requires: system-config-repo Requires: /etc/yum.repos.d/dropbox.repo %description This repo package makes it possible to easily download and install the newest Dropbox desktop client (linux.dropbox.com/). The package uses system-config-repo to provide a graphical interface to the file in /etc/yum.repos.d. Using the GUI user can inspect and modify whether the repository is enabled and/or signed. It's also possible to view the underlying file. %package config Summary: The basic repository file Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} %description config The main repository file, in some cases provided by other packages. %prep %setup -cT cp %{SOURCE4} README cp %{SOURCE5} branding-permission.txt %build %install install -pDm 644 %{SOURCE0} \ %{buildroot}/etc/yum.repos.d/%{reponame}.repo install -pDm 644 %{SOURCE1} \ %{buildroot}/usr/share/appdata/%{name}.appdata.xml install -pDm 644 %{SOURCE3} \ %{buildroot}/usr/share/system-config-repo/repos/%{reponame}/icon.png install -pDm 644 %{SOURCE2} \ %{buildroot}/usr/share/applications/%{name}.desktop desktop-file-validate %{buildroot}/usr/share/applications/%{name}.desktop %check ping -qc 1 www.redhat.com >& /dev/null || opts='--nonet' appdata-validate $opts %{buildroot}/usr/share/appdata/%{name}.appdata.xml %files %doc README branding-permission.txt /usr/share/system-config-repo/repos/%{reponame} /usr/share/appdata/%{name}.appdata.xml /usr/share/applications/%{name}.desktop %files config %config(noreplace) /etc/yum.repos.d/%{reponame}.repo %changelog * Tue Feb 04 2014 Alec Leamas - 0-3 - Adapt to new scheme where repo file is manually activated. - Use NotShowIn=Mate to avoid collision with existing package. - Use includepkgs in repo file. - Add DISCLAIMER to repository file. - Requires yet not available update of system-config-repo. * Mon Jan 27 2014 Alec Leamas - 0-2 - Update &&check using --nonet * Sun Jan 26 2014 Alec Leamas - 0-2 - Drop R: hicolor-icon-theme, R: fedora-release - Add branding permission document. - Drop Group: - Set Url: to packaging project rather than dropbox. - Split out config package to handle e. g., file provided by caja-dropbox - Skip redundant copy in %%prep - Update appdata, add %%check for it. * Wed Nov 27 2013 Alec Leamas - 0-1.1478565 - Initial release.