Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
► include | |
about.h | |
AboutFrame.h | |
AboutFrameImpl.h | |
ais.h | |
ais_bitstring.h | |
ais_decoder.h | |
ais_defs.h | |
ais_info_gui.h | |
ais_target_data.h | |
AISTargetAlertDialog.h | |
AISTargetListDialog.h | |
AISTargetQueryDialog.h | |
androidUTIL.h | |
atomic_queue.h | |
base_platform.h | |
CanvasConfig.h | |
canvasMenu.h | |
CanvasOptions.h | |
cat_settings.h | |
catalog_handler.h | |
catalog_mgr.h | |
catalog_parser.h | |
certificates.h | |
chartbase.h | |
chartdata_input_stream.h | |
chartdb.h | |
chartdbs.h | |
chartimg.h | |
chcanv.h | |
ChInfoWin.h | |
cm93.h | |
color_handler.h | |
color_types.h | |
comm_ais.h | |
comm_appmsg.h | |
comm_appmsg_bus.h | |
comm_bridge.h | |
comm_decoder.h | |
comm_driver.h | |
comm_drv_factory.h | |
comm_drv_file.h | |
comm_drv_n0183.h | |
comm_drv_n0183_net.h | |
comm_drv_n0183_serial.h | |
comm_drv_n2k.h | |
comm_drv_n2k_serial.h | |
comm_drv_n2k_socketcan.h | |
comm_drv_registry.h | |
comm_drv_signalk.h | |
comm_drv_signalk_net.h | |
comm_n0183_output.h | |
comm_navmsg.h | |
comm_navmsg_bus.h | |
comm_util.h | |
comm_vars.h | |
compass.h | |
concanv.h | |
config_vars.h | |
ConfigMgr.h | |
conn_params.h | |
conn_params_panel.h | |
connections_dialog.h | |
crashprint.h | |
cutil.h | |
DetailSlider.h | |
download_mgr.h | |
downloader.h | |
dsPortType.h | |
dychart.h | |
emboss_data.h | |
FlexHash.h | |
FontDesc.h | |
FontMgr.h | |
garmin_protocol_mgr.h | |
garmin_wrapper.h | |
geodesic.h | |
georef.h | |
glChartCanvas.h | |
glTexCache.h | |
glTextureDescriptor.h | |
glTextureManager.h | |
GoToPositionDialog.h | |
gshhs.h | |
gui_lib.h | |
hyperlink.h | |
idents.h | |
IDX_entry.h | |
iENCToolbar.h | |
intro-comm.h | |
intro-plugin-comm.h | |
intro.h | |
json_event.h | |
kml.h | |
Layer.h | |
LinkPropDlg.h | |
linux_devices.h | |
logger.h | |
macutils.h | |
MarkIcon.h | |
MarkInfo.h | |
mbtiles.h | |
mDNS_query.h | |
mDNS_service.h | |
MUIBar.h | |
multiplexer.h | |
nav_object_database.h | |
navutil.h | |
navutil_base.h | |
NMEALogWindow.h | |
ocpCursor.h | |
ocpn_app.h | |
OCPN_AUIManager.h | |
ocpn_frame.h | |
ocpn_pixel.h | |
ocpn_plugin.h | |
ocpn_print.h | |
ocpn_types.h | |
ocpn_utils.h | |
ocpndc.h | |
OCPNListCtrl.h | |
OCPNPlatform.h | |
OCPNRegion.h | |
ogr_s57.h | |
options.h | |
Osenc.h | |
own_ship.h | |
peer_client.h | |
piano.h | |
plugin_blacklist.h | |
plugin_cache.h | |
plugin_handler.h | |
plugin_loader.h | |
plugin_paths.h | |
pluginmanager.h | |
position_parser.h | |
printtable.h | |
priority_gui.h | |
Quilt.h | |
REST_server.h | |
REST_server_gui.h | |
RolloverWin.h | |
route.h | |
route_gui.h | |
route_point.h | |
route_point_gui.h | |
routeman.h | |
routeman_gui.h | |
routemanagerdialog.h | |
routeprintout.h | |
RoutePropDlg.h | |
RoutePropDlgImpl.h | |
s57.h | |
s57chart.h | |
S57ClassRegistrar.h | |
S57Light.h | |
s57mgr.h | |
S57ObjectDesc.h | |
S57QueryDialog.h | |
s57RegistrarMgr.h | |
S57Sector.h | |
safe_mode.h | |
scrollingdialog.h | |
select.h | |
select_item.h | |
semantic_vers.h | |
SencManager.h | |
SendToGpsDlg.h | |
SendToPeerDlg.h | |
ser_ports.h | |
shaders.h | |
Station_Data.h | |
styles.h | |
svg_utils.h | |
TC_Error_Code.h | |
TCDataFactory.h | |
TCDataSource.h | |
TCDS_Ascii_Harmonic.h | |
TCDS_Binary_Harmonic.h | |
tcmgr.h | |
TCWin.h | |
thumbwin.h | |
tide_time.h | |
time_textbox.h | |
timers.h | |
toolbar.h | |
track.h | |
track_gui.h | |
trackprintout.h | |
TrackPropDlg.h | |
TTYScroll.h | |
TTYWindow.h | |
tzdata.h | |
udev_rule_mgr.h | |
undo.h | |
update_mgr.h | |
usb_devices.h | |
viewport.h | |
waypointman_gui.h | |
wificlient.h | |
WindowDestroyListener.h | |
wx28compat.h | |
zeroconf-detail.hpp | |
zeroconf-util.hpp | |
zeroconf.hpp | |
► libs | |
► observable | |
► include | |
observable.h | |
observable_confvar.h | |
observable_evt.h | |
observable_evtvar.h | |
observable_globvar.h | |
► src | |
observable.cpp | |
observable_confvar.cpp | |
► src | |
about.cpp | |
AboutFrame.cpp | |
AboutFrameImpl.cpp | |
ais.cpp | |
ais_bitstring.cpp | |
ais_decoder.cpp | |
ais_info_gui.cpp | |
ais_target_data.cpp | |
AISTargetAlertDialog.cpp | |
AISTargetListDialog.cpp | |
AISTargetQueryDialog.cpp | |
androidUTIL.cpp | |
api_shim.cpp | |
base_platform.cpp | |
CanvasConfig.cpp | |
canvasMenu.cpp | |
CanvasOptions.cpp | |
cat_settings.cpp | |
catalog_handler.cpp | |
catalog_mgr.cpp | |
catalog_parser.cpp | |
certificates.cpp | |
chartdata_input_stream.cpp | |
chartdb.cpp | |
chartdbs.cpp | |
chartimg.cpp | |
chcanv.cpp | |
ChInfoWin.cpp | |
cm93.cpp | |
color_handler.cpp | |
comm_ais.cpp | |
comm_appmsg.cpp | |
comm_appmsg_bus.cpp | |
comm_bridge.cpp | |
comm_decoder.cpp | |
comm_drv_factory.cpp | |
comm_drv_file.cpp | |
comm_drv_n0183.cpp | |
comm_drv_n0183_net.cpp | |
comm_drv_n0183_serial.cpp | |
comm_drv_n2k.cpp | |
comm_drv_n2k_serial.cpp | |
comm_drv_n2k_socketcan.cpp | |
comm_drv_registry.cpp | |
comm_drv_signalk.cpp | |
comm_drv_signalk_net.cpp | |
comm_n0183_output.cpp | |
comm_navmsg.cpp | |
comm_navmsg_bus.cpp | |
comm_plugin_api.cpp | |
comm_util.cpp | |
comm_vars.cpp | |
compass.cpp | |
compasswin.cpp | |
concanv.cpp | |
config_vars.cpp | |
ConfigMgr.cpp | |
conn_params.cpp | |
conn_params_panel.cpp | |
connections_dialog.cpp | |
console.cpp | |
crashprint.cpp | |
cutil.cpp | |
DetailSlider.cpp | |
download_mgr.cpp | |
downloader.cpp | |
FlexHash.cpp | |
FontDesc.cpp | |
FontMgr.cpp | |
garmin_protocol_mgr.cpp | |
garmin_wrapper.cpp | |
geodesic.cpp | |
georef.cpp | |
glChartCanvas.cpp | |
glTexCache.cpp | |
glTextureDescriptor.cpp | |
glTextureManager.cpp | |
GoToPositionDialog.cpp | |
gshhs.cpp | |
gui_lib.cpp | |
hyperlink.cpp | |
IDX_entry.cpp | |
iENCToolbar.cpp | |
kml.cpp | |
Layer.cpp | |
LinkPropDlg.cpp | |
linux_devices.cpp | |
logger.cpp | |
macutils.c | |
MarkInfo.cpp | |
mbtiles.cpp | |
mDNS_query.cpp | |
mDNS_service.cpp | |
MUIBar.cpp | |
multiplexer.cpp | |
nav_object_database.cpp | |
navutil.cpp | |
navutil_base.cpp | |
NMEALogWindow.cpp | |
ocpCursor.cpp | |
ocpn_app.cpp | |
OCPN_AUIManager.cpp | |
ocpn_frame.cpp | |
ocpn_pixel.cpp | |
ocpn_plugin.cpp | |
ocpn_print.cpp | |
ocpn_utils.cpp | |
ocpndc.cpp | |
ocpnhelper.c | |
OCPNListCtrl.cpp | |
OCPNPlatform.cpp | |
OCPNRegion.cpp | |
ogrs57datasource.cpp | |
ogrs57layer.cpp | |
options.cpp | |
Osenc.cpp | |
own_ship.cpp | |
peer_client.cpp | |
piano.cpp | |
plugin_blacklist.cpp | |
plugin_cache.cpp | |
plugin_handler.cpp | |
plugin_loader.cpp | |
plugin_paths.cpp | |
pluginmanager.cpp | |
position_parser.cpp | |
printtable.cpp | |
priority_gui.cpp | |
Quilt.cpp | |
REST_server.cpp | |
REST_server_gui.cpp | |
RolloverWin.cpp | |
route.cpp | |
route_gui.cpp | |
route_point.cpp | |
route_point_gui.cpp | |
routeman.cpp | |
routeman_gui.cpp | |
routemanagerdialog.cpp | |
RoutePoint.cpp | |
routeprintout.cpp | |
RoutePropDlg.cpp | |
RoutePropDlgImpl.cpp | |
s57chart.cpp | |
s57classregistrar.cpp | |
s57featuredefns.cpp | |
s57mgr.cpp | |
s57obj.cpp | |
S57QueryDialog.cpp | |
s57reader.cpp | |
s57RegistrarMgr.cpp | |
safe_mode.cpp | |
scrollingdialog.cpp | |
select.cpp | |
select_item.cpp | |
semantic_vers.cpp | |
SencManager.cpp | |
SendToGpsDlg.cpp | |
SendToPeerDlg.cpp | |
ser_ports.cpp | |
shaders.cpp | |
Station_Data.cpp | |
styles.cpp | |
svg_utils.cpp | |
TCDataFactory.cpp | |
TCDataSource.cpp | |
TCDS_Ascii_Harmonic.cpp | |
TCDS_Binary_Harmonic.cpp | |
tcmgr.cpp | |
TCWin.cpp | |
testvers.cpp | |
thumbwin.cpp | |
toolbar.cpp | |
track.cpp | |
track_gui.cpp | |
trackprintout.cpp | |
TrackPropDlg.cpp | |
TTYScroll.cpp | |
TTYWindow.cpp | |
udev_rule_mgr.cpp | |
undo.cpp | |
update_mgr.cpp | |
viewport.cpp | |
waypointman_gui.cpp | |
wificlient.cpp | |