OpenCPN Partial API docs
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CAboutFrameClass AboutFrame
 CAbstractBlacklistPlugins could be blacklisted in runtime if they are unloadable or in hardcoded, compile-time list
 CAbstractCommDriverCommon interface for all drivers
 CAcceptObjectDialog"Accept Object" Dialog Definition
 CAdvancedCatalogDialogCatalog handler GUI
 CAisDataAIS data point for a vessel
 CAisTargetDataMakerSingleton factory
 CAppMsgMessage withg decoded values, available on AppMsgBus
 CAppMsgBusApplication layer messaging, a singleton
 CBasicNavDataMsgGlobal heartbeat message with decoded values for position, speed course, etc
 CBlacklistUIHandle messages for blacklisted plugins
 CblockRuntime representation of a plugin block
 CButtonsInstall/Quit buttons bottom-right
 CButtonsSizerThe Done button
 CCandidateButtonsPanelThe two buttons 'install' and 'website', the latter optionally hidden
 CCanHeaderCAN v2.0 29 bit header as used by NMEA 2000
 CCatalogChoiceSelect master, beta, alpha, custom drop-down
 CCatalogCtxThe result from parsing the xml catalog i
 CCatalogDataDatatypes and a single method to parse ocpn-plugins.xml XML data
 CCatalogHandlerPlugin catalog management: Check for available versions and branches, download as required
 CCatalogSettingsDialogModal dialog, displays settings for plugin catalog
 CCatalogSizerCatalog channel selection panel
 CCommBridgeHandle most incoming messages and make them available for other parties
 CCommDecoderDecode received NMEA messages and update global values from comm_vars.h and own_ship.h
 CCommDriverN0183Abstract NMEA0183 drivers common parts
 CCommDriverN0183NetDriver for NMEA0183 over TCP/IP
 CCommDriverN0183NetEventInternal wxEvent worker thread – main driver
 CCommDriverN0183SerialDriver for NMEA0183 over serial connections
 CCommDriverN0183SerialEventInternal event worker thread -> driver main code
 CCommDriverN0183SerialThreadInternal worker thread
 CCommDriverN2KAbstract driver interface for NMEA2000 messages
 CCommDriverN2KSerialDriver for NMEA200 messages over serial connections
 CCommDriverN2KSerialEventInternal event worker thread -> main driver
 CCommDriverN2KSerialThreadInternal worker thread
 CCommDriverN2KSocketCANDriver for NMEA2000 messages over Linux can drivers
 CCommDriverN2KSocketCanImplLocal driver implementation, not visible outside this file
 CCommDriverRegistryRegistry for active, running drivers
 CCommDriverSignalKAbstract SignalK driver interface
 CCommDriverSignalKNetDriver for SignalK messages over TCP/IP
 CCommDriverSignalKNetEventInternal event worker thread -> main driver
 CCompatSizerPlugin compatibility panel
 CCompatTextCurrent selected compatibility
 Cconfig_blockHardcoded representation of a blocked plugin
 CConfigMgrManages the user config matrix
 CConfigVarWrapper for configuration variables which lives in a wxBaseConfig object
 CConnBoldLabelA wxStaticText bold label with correct width, see #2538
 CCustomCatalogCtrlThe custom URL text entry
 CCustomMsgA generic message containing a const pointer to basically anything, the pointer neds to be casted to the proper type on the receiving side
 CDataPrioNeededIssued when there are multiple sources providing 'what' with priority == 0
 CDeviceInfoPanelThe device "manual instructions" and "Review rule" stuff
 CDeviceRuleDialogMain, top-level device udev rule dialog
 CDongleInfoPanelThe dongle "manual instructions" and "Review rule" stuff
 CDongleRuleDialogMain, top-level Dongle udev rule dialog
 CDownloaderHandle downloading of files from remote urls
 CDriverListenerInterface implemented by transport layer and possible other parties like test code which should handle incoming messages
 CEventVarGeneric event handling between between two parties like MVC Model and Controller using a shared EventVar variable
 CFastMessageMapTrack fast message fragments eventually forming complete messages
 CFileCommDriverRead and write data to/from files test driver
 CFontMgrManages the font list
 CGlobalVarWrapper for global variable, supports notification events when value changes
 CGnssFixGPS, Galileo, etc
 CGPSWatchdogMsgWatchdog message, normally created in CommBridge from wxTimer events
 CGuiDownloaderAdd progress and final message dialogs to the basic Downloader
 CHideCheckboxThe "Dont show this message next time" checkbox
 CHidePanelLine with "Don't show this message..." checkbox
 CHideShowPanelA clickable triangle which controls child window hide/show
 CHostHost ABI encapsulation and plugin compatibility checks
 CInstallButtonDownload and install a PluginMetadata item when clicked
 CJsonEventHandle sending of wxJson messages to all plugins
 CKeyProviderInterface implemented by classes which listens
 CLinkPropDlgDefClass LinkPropDlgDef
 CLinkPropImplClass LinkPropImpl
 CListenersByKeyPrivate helper class
 CLoggerTransient logger class, instantiated/used by the LOG macros
 CManualInstructionsManual instructions dynamic display
 CMarkInfoDlgClass MarkInfoDef
 CMrqContainerInternal helper class
 CN2kNameN2k uses CAN which defines the basic properties of messages
 CN2kPGNNMEA2000 message discriminator
 CNavAddrWhere messages are sent to or received from
 CNavAddr0183NMEA0183 sent/received address, an interface
 CNavAddr2000NMEA2000 sent/received address, an address (possibly wildcard)
 CNavAddrSignalKThere is only support for a single signalK bus
 CNavAddrTestDummy test address
 CNavDataActual own ship state
 CNavDataIdFacade for BasicNavDataMsg
 CNavMsgActual data sent between application and transport layer
 CNavMsgBusThe raw message layer, a singleton
 CNMEA0183IdFacade for NavAddr0183
 CNmea0183MsgA regular Nmea0183 message
 CNMEA2000IdFacade for NavAddr2000
 CNMEALogWindowThis class provides access to the NMEA log/debug window
 CNullNavMsgAn invalid message, error return value
 CObservableThe observable notify/listen basic nuts and bolts
 CObservableListenerKeeps listening over it's lifespan, removes itself on destruction
 CObservedEvtAdds a std::shared<void> element to wxCommandEvent
 COcpnLogLogging interface
 COcpnUpdateScrolledWindowThe list of download candidates in a scrolled window + OK and Settings button
 CPlatformChoiceSelect compatibility drop-down
 CPluginPlugin ABI encapsulation
 CPluginIconPanelA plugin icon, scaled to about 2/3 of available space
 CPluginLoaderPluginLoader is a backend module without any direct GUI functionality
 CPluginMetadataPlugin metadata, reflects the xml format directly
 CPluginNavdataAvailable decoded data for plugins
 CPluginTextPanelPlugin name, version, summary + an optionally shown description
 CPositionGNSS Lat/Long container
 CPrintCellThis class takes multilined string and modifies it to fit into given width for given device
 CPrintTableExtension of a class Table with printing into dc
 CPriorityContainerData for selected source from multiple candidates
 CReviewRuleReview rule dynamic display
 CRoutePropDlgClass RoutePropDlg
 Cs57RegistrarMgrS57RegistrarMgr Definition This is a class holding the ctor and dtor for the global registrar
 CSaveDefaultsDialogClass SaveDefaultsDialog
 CSemanticVersionVersions uses a modified semantic versioning scheme:
 CSendToGpsDlgRoute "Send to GPS..." Dialog Definition
 CSendToPeerDlgRoute "Send to Peer..." Dialog Definition
 CSignalkIdFacade for NavAddrSignalK
 CSignalkMsgA parsed, raw SignalK message
 CTableRepresents a NxM simple table with captions
 CTrackPropDlgClass TrackPropDlg
 CUpdateDialogModal dialog, displays available updates (possibly just one) and lets user select and eventually confirm update
 CUpdateWebsiteButtonInvokes client browser on plugin info_url when clicked
 CVoidDriverListenerTest driver listener sink
 CWatchdogsKind of watchdog events
 CWebsiteButtonInvokes client browser on plugin info_url when clicked
 CWebSocketThreadInternal worker thread
 CWorkerManages reading the N2K data stream provided by some N2K gateways from the declared serial port